اسئلة عن التدخين بالانجليزي

كتابة حسن الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 5 أكتوبر, 2020 8:23
اسئلة عن التدخين بالانجليزي

اسئلة عن التدخين بالانجليزي واهم اضراره وتأثيره على الجسم نقدمه اليكم في هذا المقال .


Nicotine is an addictive substance found in tobacco, which has an alkaline chemical structure, and to it the addictive symptoms that smokers suffer from.

Questions about smoking in English

Is smoking addictive, or is it just a habit?
Tobacco use causes severe addiction, and nicotine addiction is one of the most addictive types, as it was found that nicotine addiction to tobacco is no less severe than addiction to the most dangerous types of drugs such as cocaine.
Does smoking affect fertility in men and women?
Yes, smoking has a very harmful effect on the fertility of both men and women. It also increases the chances of a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
What is the effect of smoking on a pregnant woman?
Smoking increases the chances of a woman giving birth to babies with less than normal weights, and it also increases the chances of giving birth before the specified time, and these children have breathing problems.
What is molasses?
Molasses is tobacco to which molasses or molasses are added, and as a result of tobacco combustion, with the presence of these sugary substances in molasses, alcohol is formed, especially ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and propyl alcohol, and alcohol volatilizes during smoking, which gives the desired euphoria to the smoker, and the matter may reach the point of drunkenness.
How do we save children from nicotine addiction?
The best way to prevent your children from falling into a smoking spiral is to never smoke in front of them. Fathers are the role models for children and their ideals. As for the other ways to prevent children from falling into the clutches of nicotine, the most important of which are the following:
• Get close to your children, talk to them, and get to know their way of thinking and opinions on the topic of smoking.
• Ask your son if he has a friend who smokes; A person is dependent on his friend’s religion, and most likely the friend will try to influence your son to make him smoke like him.
• Be strict about prohibiting friends and relatives who smoke in your home and in front of your children.
• Explain the disadvantages of smoking and its harmful effects to your children, directly and indirectly, as represented by people harmed by this ugly habit.
• Work to fill your children’s spare time with useful things, and make sure to make them exercise regularly.

The most important questions on a smoker’s mind:

What happens to my members with the first cigarette?
More than 4000 toxic substances enter the body, in addition to the flavors added to hookah, charcoal and glycerin, so that all parts of the body are affected, starting from the mouth and gums, to the ends of the nerves of the hands and feet, and the effect of smoking is more severe on a woman, as the cigarette harms her beauty, weakening her skin and exposing her to hair loss Which leads to the loss of her beauty, and when thinking about procreation, the deformation is the fate of her child.
Does one cigarette affect a day?
One cigarette is harmful, such as 20, so all smoking in general leads to death, and teenagers at the beginning of their habit of smoking cigarettes or hookah justifying their position that they smoke one or two cigarettes a day, which reduces the size of the harm to them, and this is not correct, as all forms and types of smoking lead to death slowly Due to heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, and other complications
What is the relationship of smoking to the brain?
Within 11 seconds of consuming the first cigarette or hookah breath, toxic nicotine smoke enters the brain cells, collides with them and leads to damage, which increases the risk of stroke.
Hookah stone equivalent to how many cigarettes?
An hour-long session is equivalent to the harm of smoking 100 cigarettes, as one stone contains tobacco from 8 to 20 cigarettes, so the damage is double in addition to burning charcoal, glycerine and flavorings.

Questions about smoking:

What are the disadvantages of smoking?
Smoking causes heart disease, hardening of the arteries, and high blood pressure.
Smoking is a cause of cancers, especially lung cancer.
Smoking is a cause of respiratory diseases, such as asthma, and chronic coughing.
Smoking causes some stomach problems, including: ulcers, as the incidence of ulcers is greater in smokers.
Smoking affects brain function.
Smoking affects the functions of some of the senses, such as: sense of taste, sight and smell.
Smoking causes premature aging.
Smoking affects men’s sexual abilities.
All these diseases and health damage are caused by the substances that make up the smoke.
Does smoking affect the mouth and teeth?
The mouth is the first organ to be affected by smoking, especially as it is directly exposed to the chemicals that make up the cigarette and that make up the so-called tobacco. The affected tissues are the thin, enveloping tissues of the tongue, roof and floor of the mouth, cheeks, gums, lips, as well as the row of pearls that we boast of their beauty among people. And the consequences of smoking, its dire and annoyance, can be summarized as follows:
Oral and surrounding tissue cancer, chronic ulcers, and fungi such as Candida.
And many more consequences
What is smoking?
Smoking is a process in which a substance is burned which is often tobacco and then the smoke is tasted or inhaled. This process is carried out primarily as a practice for recreation through the use of drugs, as it comes from the combustion of the active substance in the drug, such as nicotine, which makes it available for absorption through the lung. Thousands of chemicals affect the central nervous system, and cigarettes are the most popular method of smoking today, whether the cigarette is industrially produced or hand-rolled from loose tobacco and cigarette rolling paper. There are other means of smoking, which are pipes, cigars, hookahs, and bungeons.
How does smoking affect the kidneys?
The nicotine in cigarette smoke impairs the kidneys’ ability to filter out toxins in the blood
This leads to impaired ability of the kidneys to excrete urine.
Chronic smoking leads to the incidence of kidney cancer.
Is the smoker addicted to smoking?
The substance of nicotine present in tobacco is responsible for smoking addiction, meaning that the body gets used to it, and this addiction is both organic and psychological, as if the supply of nicotine in a continuous form, it becomes obligatory for its owner