خواطر بالانجليزي عن الحياة

كتابة سالي - تاريخ الكتابة: 21 مايو, 2024 7:03
خواطر بالانجليزي عن الحياة

خواطر بالانجليزي عن الحياة كما نقدم عبارات انجليزية قصيرة عميقة وعبارات بالانجليزي عن السعادة وعبارات بالانجليزي عن القوة كل ذلك في هذه السطور التالية.

خواطر بالانجليزي عن الحياة

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  • There is only two happiness in life: love and being loved.
  • Happiness depends on the person himself.
  • Happiness and unhappiness are related to the kinds of things we attach love to.
  • Happiness in life depends on the comforts we enjoy daily, not on good luck that rarely occurs.
  • Happiness is an example of imagination.
  • Happiness in life depends largely on giving up the things we want and the things we don’t need.
  • Expecting too much happiness is one of the obstacles to happiness.
    A person must first control his mind in order to achieve happiness, good health, and peace.
  • There is a kind of comfort in not having to be happy or sad.
  • Happiness is a form of courage.
  • A happy life is not devoid of darkness, and the word happiness will lose its
  • meaning if it is not accompanied by sadness.

عبارات انجليزية قصيرة عميقة

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  • Every person has a map of his homeland that he keeps in his mind and heart.
  • This map must not be forgotten under any circumstances and kept safe. “Alexander Smith”
  • No matter how much a person goes to a country other than his home country, regardless of marriage or study. He will not feel comfortable and belonging to this place, no matter how much he tries to express his feelings for that place. He longs for the soil of his homeland and must return to that homeland one day. “Banana Yoshimoto”
  • When there are no opinions, the people will be destroyed. “Author unknown”
    I should follow the people, am I not their leader? “Benjamin Disraeli”
    You take on some work, and you’re the leader as well. “Major General Grace Murray Hooper”
  • The leader’s first responsibility is to determine the truth, and his last responsibility is to thank others, and the thing in between is that the leader is considered a servant of the nation. “Max Depre”

عبارات بالانجليزي عن التفاؤل

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  • Give every day the chance to be the most beautiful days of your life.
  • Everything may turn against you and God will remain with you, so be with God and everything will be with you.
  • Why fear, when the sun never gets dark in one side but shines in the other side?
    Your feeling must be positive, whatever the circumstances, whatever the challenges, and whatever the external influence.
  • Don’t despair, the last key in the set of keys is usually the one that will open the door.
  • Seek help from God and do not be helpless, for helplessness has no place in the heart of an optimist.
  • A flower that follows the sun does so even on a cloudy day.
  • Sunset does not prevent a new sunrise.
  • Think cheerfully, always spread optimism and hope around you, and stay away from pessimism.
  • Everything has its flavour, even darkness and silence, and I have learned to be happy regardless of the situation I am in.

عبارات بالانجليزي عن السعادة

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  • Happiness… is to make you happy, a child’s laugh, the taste of a small piece of candy, or a hot cup of coffee with a book that takes you to the world… even if you have less money than others, to have an invitation or a word reach you, to disappear this pride that prevents you from listening to others, And arrogance that prevents you from understanding their mistakes.
  • Happiness is not living selfishly for yourself or sacrificially for others, but rather living your humanity through others.
  • If you make yourself happy, you will make those around you happy.
  • Life in short is sunrise and sunset. How beautiful it is to make the sunrise for smiles and work and the sunset for rest and calm.
  • We do not only create optimism, but we create humanity and build civilization and glory.
  • If the sun of your day goes away and darkness falls, don’t forget to ignite your inner sun.
  • There are two things in your life that do not have a third: either you are always optimistic, or you are pessimistic, you have a choice.
  • An optimist is the only person who lives happily everywhere.
  • Feelings of victory always emanate from a heart full of faith and happiness.