كلام عن المستقبل بالانجليزي

كتابة سالي - تاريخ الكتابة: 22 أكتوبر, 2022 5:43 - آخر تحديث : 9 سبتمبر, 2023 6:27
كلام عن المستقبل بالانجليزي

اليكم كلام عن المستقبل بالانجليزي كما سنقدم مجموعة من اقوى العبارات عن المستقبل والحياة وغيرها الكثير في هذه السطور التالية.

كلام عن المستقبل بالانجليزي

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The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. — Winston Churchill

We easily find solace for the loss of the past, but nothing solaces us for the loss of the future – Amin Maalouf

The ancient Chinese believed that time was not a ladder that one ascended towards the future, but rather to take one towards the past. — Anita Desai

The past is the fortress of those who have no present and no future

“I do not live in dreams, but in contemplations of the reality that may be the future.” Rainer Maria Rilke

The future does not matter, what matters is the past. — Patrick Modiano

It is less painful to lose someone to death than to lose them due to lack of trust. Death only destroys the future, but betrayal also kills the past. — Johan Dinh

كلمات عن المستقبل والنجاح بالانجليزي

كلمات عن المستقبل والنجاح بالانجليزي
كلمات عن المستقبل والنجاح بالانجليزي
  • Success is not being a perfect human being in all aspects of your life. This is only for a very few people. Success is being distinguished in an aspect of your life in a way that makes this aspect a source of benefit and enrichment for others.
  • True success is when you feel your success, and do not depend on your marketing team. There is no doubt that their work will bear fruit, but if you are not truly successful, then it is a failed marketing campaign.
  • There is a direct relationship between saving time and success. Saving time is not meant to lock yourself in your library. Rather, what is meant is for you to give priority to what is most important and not to spend time without closeness and obedience to God.
  • Success is not a lot of applause from the audience, and it is not a lot of followers and interested people. True success is when God Almighty knows that you only want His satisfaction and seek His pleasure.

كلام عن المستقبل والأمل بالانجليزي

كلام عن المستقبل والأمل بالانجليزي
كلام عن المستقبل والأمل بالانجليزي
Today’s troubles pale in comparison to achieving tomorrow’s ambitions The joy of working for the future is only experienced by ambitious and successful people The best part of a person’s life is the part that is full of future ambitions Find your ambitions now, the future is on its way Your pursuit of your ambitions and dreams in the present will not be in vain. Be assured that life will reward you with an unparalleled future. The future that awaits you will make you forget all the suffering and sorrows of the past He who has no ambition worries about the future! You will not fly in the skies of a successful future if your ambitions do not have wings The gateway to a prosperous future opens to those with dreams and ambitions

عبارات عن المستقبل قصيرة

عبارات عن المستقبل قصيرة
عبارات عن المستقبل قصيرة

In a country where the law does not rule, where people go to prison by sheer chance, there is no future. In a country where poverty spreads like a snake in the sand, there is no future— Salah Abdel Sabour

There is no future in any job, but the future is in the person who holds that job – J. W. Griff

We made a mistake when we considered that the homeland is only the past.. As for Khaled, the homeland for him is the future – Ghassan Kanafani

Perhaps in the future our age will be called the time of irony. — Erich Maria Remarque

Leaders Are Responsible for Seeing Followers Often Can’t See the Future as the Leader Sees it — John C Maxwell

Nothing affects a person’s future more than childhood events and children’s psychological experiences – Adel Sadek