موضوع عن الوطن بالانجليزي طويل

كتابة راكان الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 11 ديسمبر, 2021 1:14
موضوع عن الوطن بالانجليزي طويل

موضوع عن الوطن بالانجليزي طويل وتعبير عن بلدك بالانجليزي وحوار بالانجليزي عن الوطن كل ذلك في هذه السطور التالية.

موضوع عن الوطن بالانجليزي طويل

God Almighty has given us the love of the homeland and attachment to it, and made its value one of the value of our souls, it is the homeland in which we are born, and we cry out to it our first cry, it is the land that we tamper with its soil in our childhood, it is the land that we run over with the children of the neighborhood, so how can we be tempted by countries we have not visited We are not accustomed to its air, and its waters do not benefit us, for the homeland is the bond and pride, the refuge, and it is love, passion, adoration and infatuation, and that the homeland offers us safety, peace and a peaceful life that no other country offers us, no matter how many years we stay in it, so it is our duty to offer loyalty And devotion to our country, and to offer our lives to it if necessary, and we must not hesitate or underestimate his call, and let us remember those who sacrificed their souls for the sake of the soil of the country before us, and let us be proud that we belong to this country, and that we pray for it to remain proud of its people, and to keep its flags always raised.
ترجمة تعبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي قصي جدا
قد جبلنا الله تعالى على حبّ الوطن وعلى التّعلّق به، وجعل قيمته من قيمة أرواحنا، إنّه الوطن الّذي نولد فيه، ونصرخ فيه صرختنا الأولى، هو الأرض الّتي نعبث بترابها في طفولتنا، هو الأرض التي نركض فوقها مع أطفال الحيّ، فكيف تستهوينا أوطاناً لم نزرها ولم نعتد على هوائها، ولا تنفعنا مياهها، فالوطن هو السّند والفخر وهو الملجأ وهو الحبّ والشّغف والعشق والهيام، وإنّ الوطن يقدّم لنا من الأمان والسّلام والحياة الهانئة ما لا تقدّمه لنا غيره من البلاد مهما مكثنا فيها من السّنوات الطّويلة، لذا فإنّ من واجبنا تقديم الولاء والإخلاص لوطننا، وأن نقدّم له أرواحنا لو تطلّب الأمر ذلك، وعلينا ألّا نتردّد ولا نستهتر بندائه، ولنذكر من ضحّى بروحه من أجل تراب الوطن قبلنا، ولنكن مفتخرين بأننا ننتمي لهذا الوطن، وأن ندعو له بأن يظلّ شامخاً بأهله، وأن تظلّ راياته مرفوعةً دائماً.

اجمل عبارات عن حب الوطن بالانجليزي مع الترجمة

لا عدو لا جيش لا سلاح أقوى من حب الوطن
No enemy, no army, no weapon is stronger than patriotism.
امن اجل حب الوطن ام حب ذهب فيليب؟
For love of country or love of Philip’s gold?
تقولين أنّ هذا يتعلّقُ بـ حبّ الوطن لكنّنا جميعنا نعرفُ، أنّها ليست كامل القصّة
You say this is about patriotism, but we both know that’s not the whole story.
حب الوطن والوحدة والثورة اليمنية؛
Patriotism, unity and the Yemeni revolution
حب الوطن، وخدمة للبلد
Patriotism, service to country…
هذا هو حب الوطن
This is patriotism!
ـ بسبب “الكافيين” و حب الوطن، سيدي
Caffeine and patriotism, sir.
هذا هو حب الوطن الحقيقي!
That’s real patriotism!
لقد تكلمت عن النخبة, حب الوطن، الجنود القتلى الهجرة, الوظائف, في جملة واحدة
She had “elites,” the constitution, love of country, dead soldiers, immigration and jobs all in one sentence.
إن حب الوطن يعني أن كل فرد يجب علية مواجهة جميع التحديات التي يكلفة بها.
Love for the motherland means one has to meet all challenges that it sends.

تعبير عن الوطن بالانجليزي قصير جدا

Homeland is a few letters ; a word which is small in size, but significant in meaning; the homeland is like a mother and family, a warm embrace for every citizen on his land.
It is the place where we grow up on its land, and we eat of its fruit , however we go far away it remain in our hearts forever.
The love of the homeland is born with man, so the love of the homeland is inherent in the individual; Where he feels that there is a connection between him and this land.
And love of the homeland is not exclusive to anyone; everyone must love his country, and our Islamic religion urges us to love the homeland .
Perhaps the greatest example we mention in this subject, when our beloved Prophet – peace be upon him – was forced to leave his dear homeland Mecca, when he came out he was very sad and said: “you are my beloved country, and I will love you, and if your people did not force me to leave you, I would never leave you” ; the words of our holy Prophet show us the duty of love, which must be planted in the heart of every person towards his homeland, whether he is young or old .
The homeland is a symbol and a pride; therefore, we must defend and protect it with all strength, to preserve it as it preserves us, and to appreciate it for providing security to us.
This country has rights that everyone must abide by as long as they live in it, these rights include: preserving it, protecting it from all evil, raising it to the highest levels, maintaining its cleanliness, protecting its public property, and protecting it in the event of any danger.
موضوع تعبير عن بناء الوطن باللغة الانجليزية
The homeland is a word synonymous with security and stability, because the homeland is the safe place, and it is also the one that protects us from the pressures of life, and the place that bears the relics, history, customs and traditions, it is the place to which we belong, and to which we return no matter how far away we are, The homeland has a right for us
to build, preserve, care for and protect it. Therefore, we must work as one hand in order to cooperate in its development and prosperity, for its name to be lofty, always uplifted, and to make a distinct.
impression on all countries of the world, Therefore, we must cooperate in building and developing all aspects, whether historical, tourist, social, scientific, or cultural, by maintaining public cleanliness, and implementing regulations and laws.

موضوع تعبير عن اهمية الوطن باللغة الانجليزية

A person without a homeland is like a rose without a scent, and looks like a tree without a root, the worst feeling that affects a person is living in emptiness in the alienation, so we must preserve it, and redeem it with everything we have in order to protect it, preserve it, and provide him with all the services that He needs it to stay tall, and head held high.
ترجمة تعبير عن اهمية الوطن باللغة العربية
الانسان من دون وطن يشبه الوردة من دون رائحة ، و يشبه الشجرة من دون جذر ، اسوء شعور يصيب الانسان هو العيش بالفراغ بالغربة ، لذلك يجب ان نحافظ عليه ، و نفديه بكل ما نملك لكي نحميه ، و نحافظ عليه ، و نقدم له كل الخدمات التي يحتاجها لكي يبقى شامخا ، و مرفوع الرأس