أسباب تلوث البيئة وحلولها بالانجليزي

كتابة هدى المالكي - تاريخ الكتابة: 26 مارس, 2022 9:04
أسباب تلوث البيئة وحلولها بالانجليزي

أسباب تلوث البيئة وحلولها بالانجليزي وخاتمة عن التلوث بالانجليزي كل ذلك سنتعرف عليه من خلال هذا المقال.

أسباب تلوث البيئة وحلولها بالانجليزي

اسباب تلوث البيئة بالانجليزي
There are many aspects of environmental pollution that vary between air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. When writing an essay on pollution, it often revolves around those three main types of environmental pollution. Air pollutants can be evaluated into visible and invisible, such as smoke. It goes up from factory chimneys or while leaving car and vehicle exhaust.
These pollutants cause many dangers to the human body that affect their lives and infect them with many types of diseases that have become widespread in recent times, such as cancer of all kinds, asthma and respiratory diseases, eye infections and a feeling of heartburn, which affects both adults and children alike. Rapid and sudden death, and in an accident that occurred in India in (1984 AD) in a factory, a large proportion of toxic gases were released into the air, which resulted in the injury of hundreds of citizens with severe injuries, and the number of deaths at that time reached more than eight thousand people within a few days .
The sources of air pollution differ among four main sources, which are mobile sources and those that are (vehicles, trains, buses, airplanes, and so on), while fixed sources refer to what is produced by power stations, oil refineries, and various industrial facilities. Natural sources, for example, are pollutants that result from volcanoes, the air carrying dust and dust, exhaust from combustion of dust, and finally the scale sources resulting from agricultural areas, and the exhausts of wood burning heaters emitted in cities.
حلول تلوث البيئة بالانجليزي
Pollution is the phenomenon that destroys the planet by an excess of waste discharges. We wondered how far man could go in his blindness to ignore the consequences of the development of technological societies and industrial production. This frantic development has broken a natural balance that endangers the life of man himself.
We have noted the damage already done and considered possible solutions to address this problem.
The industrialization of rich countries leads to a massive rejection of products with serious consequences on the environment: releases, accidents, diseases, excessive exploitation … (Seveso, AZF, Chenobyl, Amazonian forest …). Man exhausts resources and sees his immediate interest in the short term without worrying about future generations. Man behaves incessantly like a sorcerer’s apprentice: he experiments techniques which he does not control the consequences (GMO, nuclear energy, genetic research ….). It seems that research, industry, expertise are driven by a unique thinking model. The lobbies system has a great influence on decision-makers, especially politicians. This whole system is based on the law of profit to the detriment of any deep reflection on the future of humanity. We are all responsible for this forward march which seems inevitable: we are used to a comfort that we pay at the lowest cost and it would be difficult for everyone to backtrack.
Immorality is also in order since rich countries do not hesitate to export their pollution to poor countries (waste transfer, relocation of polluting companies, purchase of rights to pollute the US … etc) thus hiding their faults in the eyes of their citizens and thus showing their lack of interest in the planet.
All of these phenomena are made possible by the disengagement of States, the dispersal of protest forces and the loss of individual conscience.
Despite this very pessimistic observation, the man must seek alternative solutions to bequeath his descendants to a clean planet and try to escape this infernal spiral: he must preserve the future of humanity.
We should diversify the research on renewable energies: wind turbines, geothermal energy, solar energy …. We can make progress by building cars that consume less and especially avoid the pitfalls of lobbies (the clean engine exists!). For example, there are electrical superconductors that saved 20% of energy. The example of deep water from the wind turbines would be less polluting than diesel engines: The Western model is still imposed everywhere! In terms of transport, piggyback transport and river navigation could be developed. Everyone can also in his personal life try to lead by example: save energy, circulate less. The citizen can behave responsibly by choosing to boycott certain products and favoring “ethical” products.
The associative way is also a mode of action to engage forms of struggles (Greenpeace). Citizens have the power to put pressure on politicians who themselves hold the real power to enforce the law and change the course of things (example of water in Brittany where a major distributor was convicted for pollution and has returned to the state).

مقدمة بحث عن التلوث بالانجليزي

التلوث واحدة من أكبر المشكلات التي قد يواجهها مجتمع ما والتي تؤثر بالتبعية على حياة جميع الكائنات الحية التي تعيش بالمنطقة التي أصيبت به من إنسان ونباتات وحيوانات، وهو ما يرجع إلى أسباب إما بشرية بفعل الإنسان أو طبيعية وبيئية لا دخل له فيها، وقد أصبح ما يشغل الكثير من الدول والحكومات خاصة بالبلاد العربية والدول النامية هو الوقوف على أسباب تلك المشكلة والسعي نحو إيجاد حلول لها.
Pollution is one of the biggest problems that a society may face, and that consequently affects the lives of all living creatures living in the area that have been infected with it, including humans, plants and animals. Many countries and governments, especially in the Arab countries and developing countries, is to find out the causes of this problem and seek solutions to it.

خاتمة بحث عن التلوث بالانجليزي

وبذلك نكون قد انتهينا من عرض ما قد أعددناه من بحث عن التلوث بالانجليزي بمختلف أنواعه وأشكاله وما له من مصادر وكيفية التصدي له ومقاومة انتشاره لتجنب ما يترتب عليه من أضرار ومخاطر تلحق بكلاٍ من الإنسان والبيئة التي يعيش بها وغيره من الكائنات الحية التي يترتب على أي تأثير يلحق بها التأثير بالتبعية على الإنسان في صحته وحياته.
Thus, we have finished presenting what we have prepared in terms of research on pollution in its various types and forms, its sources, how to deal with it and resist its spread to avoid the resulting damage and risks to both humans and the environment in which they live and other living organisms that result from any impact on By influencing a person’s health and life accordingly.

تعبير عن التلوث باللغة الانجليزية

Often the reports that are written about pollution are similar to what is written about the clean and polluted environment, as this has become a global problem that can be due to what life has become in terms of a frequent and rapid approach as it was in the past largely confined to what collects on the surface of the earth Dead bodies, but today it has become present in all forms and in all places around the world, and one of the most dangerous forms that can be discussed is water pollution.
Water pollution is represented by the damages it inflicts that negatively affect its quality and in consequence negatively affect the safety of human life and the life of living organisms in general, and this type of pollution includes various water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, and these pollutants may be in the form of Microorganisms such as bacteria, or throwing waste and dead animals, factory waste and chemicals in them, which change their nature and make them unfit for drinking and use. Rather, their use causes serious diseases to humans.