اسئلة واجوبة عن التدخين بالانجليزي

كتابة خليل العتيبي - تاريخ الكتابة: 16 أكتوبر, 2020 6:53 - آخر تحديث : 29 أغسطس, 2021 7:07
اسئلة واجوبة عن التدخين بالانجليزي

اسئلة واجوبة عن التدخين بالانجليزي نوضح من خلالها اضرار التدخين ومفهوم التدخين السلبي واثار التدخين على المجتمع.


Smoking is one of the most common manifestations of recreational drug use. Today, tobacco smoking is one of the most common forms of smoking, with more than a billion people practicing it in most human societies. Less common forms of smoking include marijuana and opium smoking. Most drugs that are smoked are considered addictive. Some substances are classified as solid drugs, such as heroin and cocaine solid. They are materials of limited use as they are not commercially available.

A questionnaire about smoking, I agree and disagree

The first question: sex
– Male .
– female.
The second question: age
From 15 to 20.
From 20 to 30.
From 30 to 40.
Greater than 40
The third question: the greatest group of smokers is young
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
The fourth question: Smokers usually avoid reading the harmful effects of smoking
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
Question 5: I accept that there is a smoker in my family
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
The sixth question: I agree to marry a smoker
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
The seventh question: The phenomenon of smoking is widespread in society
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
The eighth question: Smoking is the beginning of the individual taking drugs
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
Question 9: The imitation of adults is what drives observers to smoke
– I totally agree .
– I agree sometimes.
– I do not agree .
Question 10: If you are a smoker, do you have the idea of ​​quitting smoking?
– I totally agree .
– Sometimes .
– not agree .
– I am not a smoker.

Smoking questionnaire

Why do Arab youth smoke?
1- Recreation
2- The expression of manhood
3- Blind Imitation
4- Other reasons .. specify
If you are a smoker, when do you smoke the first cigarette right after waking up?
1- After 60 minutes.
2- From 6 to 30 minutes.
3- 30 to 60 minutes.
4- Within 5 minutes.
Why did you get hooked on nicotine?
1- My friends smoke and I don’t want to be a stranger to them.
2- Because of the smokers’ parents, the idea of ​​smoking has grown up with us.
3- I started smoking when I was 17 years old because I did not want to gain weight because some people said, “Smoking prevents weight gain”
4- All of the above
Daily smoking rate?
1- 1 to 3 per day
2- 4 to 10 per day
3- A box or more “select”
How long have you smoked?
1- 14 years old and under
2- 15-18 six
3- 19-30 years old
4- 35 years and over
Did you feel the harms of smoking?
1- Yes
2- No
Was anyone in your family or around you affected by smoking?
1- Yes
2- No
How much do you spend annually on smoking? ” Almost ”
1- Approximately 1000 dirhams
2- 3000-5000 dirhams
3- 5000 – 20000 dirhams
4- Other “select”
Do you find it difficult to abstain from smoking in prohibited places when traveling by plane, for example?
1- Yes
2- No
Do you want to quit smoking?
1- Yes
2- No
Have you tried to quit smoking?
1- Yes
2- No
How many times do you try? “Select” and you go to special centers for help to stop smoking?
1- Yes
2- No
Are you still trying to quit smoking?
1- Yes
2- No

Questionnaire about first-time smoking experience

The first question: At what age did you try smoking for the first time?
The second question: At what age did you start smoking regularly?
The third question: How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
The fourth question: How many cigarettes do you smoke in university?
The fifth question: What are the circumstances that make you increase your tobacco consumption?
Leisure .
Personal / professional problems.
For fun with friends (smokers).
The sixth question: Where do you smoke in the university?
The toilet.
Out of college.
The seventh question: Do you want to stop smoking?
Yeah .
No .