محادثة عن التدخين باللغة الانجليزية

كتابة حسن الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 14 أكتوبر, 2020 4:30 - آخر تحديث : 30 أغسطس, 2021 11:38
محادثة عن التدخين باللغة الانجليزية

محادثة عن التدخين باللغة الانجليزية نقدمها اليكم في هذا المقال ومعلومات هامة عن التدخين .

برزنتيشن عن التدخين قصير بالانجليزي

smoking can cause many bad diseases such as cancer and heart disease. also smoking can harm body cells and increase the risk of stroke. smoking can damage the human body with many other diseases as well. doctors always recommend smokers to stop smoking as soon as possible. x
التدخين يؤدي الى امراض كثيرة مثل السرطان وامراض القلب. ايضاً التدخين يضر خلايا الجسم ويزيد من الاصابة بالجلطة. التدخين يضر جسم الانسان في امراض عديدة كذالك. الاطباء دائما يوصون المدخنين بالتوقف عن التدخين في اقرب فرصة ممكنة.

محادثة عن التدخين باللغة الانجليزية

Many societies publish awareness-raising seminars about the effects of smoking among young people to warn them of the bad effects that result from it, and this made some young people succeed in moving away from this bad habit and trying hard to spread awareness to their comrades and friends, and we will present to you a model of friends in the form of a dialogue between two people About smoking, it shows us the harms of that bad habit and how to get rid of it.
Ahmed: Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. How are you, brother?
Muhammad: May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Praise be to God, brother.
Ahmed: Why do I see you suffering from extreme fatigue and your face so pale.
Muhammad: I do not know my brother, but for a while I have been suffering from more symptoms such as fatigue, high pressure and others.
Ahmed: These symptoms, my brother, and other negative effects of smoking, have you ever heard of these effects?
Mohamed: I heard about its ill effects a while ago, but I do not know fully what it is.
Ahmed: I will tell you about these bad effects so that you can try hard to rid yourself of this destructive habit for you, your family and those around you.
Muhammad: I hope so, brother.
Ahmed: There are many negative effects that result from smoking, including:
Disturbance in the distribution of oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body, and this means that the body did not get what it needed from the blood, and it becomes vulnerable to vascular disease.
Smoking increases the risk of stomach ulcers.
Smoking breaks down the collagen fibers in the skin of the face, and this makes the face lose its firmness, and increases the symptoms of wrinkles and aging of the skin.
It causes premature graying of the hair, and makes the hair weak and more vulnerable to breakage.
The digestive system suffers from many diseases such as ulcers, gallstones, and heartburn, and it may even lead to stomach cancer.
Smoking, my brother, also makes you suffer from bad breath, discoloration of teeth and wrinkled skin.
Smoking increases the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.
Smoking leads to poor concentration and lack of activity.
It increases heart rate at a rate of 10/25 beats per minute, and increases the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes.
Muhammad: And how can I, my brother, get rid of all these bad symptoms and quit smoking, and does smoking affect men only?
Ahmed: No, my brother, smoking does not affect men only, but has many symptoms that appear in a smoker, including:
Smoking increases a woman’s risk of miscarriage, premature labor, and birth defects during pregnancy, and increases the likelihood of newborns dying during childbirth and developing many diseases such as diabetes.
It increases the risk of osteoporosis in women.
Makes women more prone to early menopause, and thinness.
Muhammad: Do all the symptoms appear once in all people?
Ahmed: It is not a condition that the symptoms appear all at once or be present in all people, some of them appear suddenly and others may not appear except in the final stage, which is difficult to treat.
Muhammad: Now, my brother, how can I quit smoking and quit that bad habit?
Ahmed: Quitting smoking is not a simple thing and at the same time it is not impossible. A smoker can simply quit smoking and get rid of that bad and destructive habit, you just have to make your intention present and your will strong to get rid of smoking.
Muhammad: Sure, my brother, I want to get rid of this bad habit, but I am not afraid that I cannot do it.
Ahmed: You cannot always say those words. I can do this thing to increase your ability and strength to get rid of the bad habit.
Muhammad: I will do that, brother, but can you tell me some advice that will help me to get rid of this habit.
Ahmed: Of course, my brother, you must first determine the reasons that lead you to smoke and write them in your blog and try to distance yourself from this bad habit, and when the urgent desire to smoke comes to you, try to postpone smoking. Every time you can postpone your desire to smoke a cigarette For an hour you succeed in making a step to quit smoking.
Muhammad: Well, my brother, and this means that I can quit smoking during stages by reducing smoking and increasing the time between smoking one cigarette and the other.
Ahmed: Well done my brother and may God bless you. Indeed, your words are correct, and with your will you will be able to end this habit and occupy yourself with healthy and useful things, and preserve your health and the health of your family and the money that you waste on buying cigarettes.
Muhammad: God willing, brother, thank you.
Ahmed: May God bless you, brother, and grant you success.

تعبير انجليزي عن مشكلة التدخين قصير وسهل

التدخين هو عادة سيئة. التدخين يؤدي الى العديد من الامراض المميته. الناس تبدا التدخين من اجل المتعه. يعتقدون انه من السهل التوقف عنه مباشرة. في الحقيقة انها من الصعب التوقف عن التدخين. بدا شخصاً ما بالتدخين سجارة واحدة في اليوم. والان هو يدخن ثلاثون سجارة باليوم. بعض الناس يصبحون مدمني التدخين ويحتاجون السجارة بشكل دائم.
عندما نجلس بجانب شخص مدخن، نحن بلا علم نستنشق الدخان. هذا يسمى التدخين المجهول (التدخين السلبي لغير المدخنين) وهو يعادل كما لو انك كنت مدخن. اذا قامت المراة بالتدخين في فترة الحمل فأنه مضر للجنين (الطفل). التدخين مضر للجلد ويسبب السرطان. شفاة المدخنين تكون غامقة اللون ذو رائحة كريهة. التدخين بأستمرار يدمر الرئتين. يسبب سرطان الفم وسرطان الرئة. سبق وان كتبنا موضوع بالانجليزي عن المخدرات وننصحك بزيارته.

اضرار التدخين بشكل عام على الجسم بالانجليزي

Of course, there are many harmful effects of smoking on the body, including the following:
1- It causes disturbances in the distribution of blood and the supply of the main organs of the body with the necessary oxygen, and then exposure to many diseases.
2- Smoking during pregnancy is one of the things harmful to the health of the mother and the fetus alike, as it exposes women to the risk of premature labor and causes many birth defects for the fetus, and exposes it to many diseases after birth.
3- It increases the risk of male infertility, as it reduces blood flow to the penis.
4- Exposure to osteoporosis for women, smoking is one of the things that accelerate menopause at an early age.
5- Bad breath in addition to many problems, including wrinkled skin and yellowing of the teeth and nails.
6- It increases the risk of stomach ulcers.
7- The appearance of many signs of aging, especially since smoking is one of the things that increases the breakdown of collagen cells in the skin and thus increases wrinkles.
8- Secondhand smoke is the last of the things that have great harm to the body, as it contributes to an increase in proteins in the blood with an increased risk of second-degree diabetes.
9- Lack of activity with general weakness in concentration and remembering things.
10- It causes many problems for the digestive system, including gallstones, Crohn’s disease and other diseases that affect the digestive system.