انشاء عن smoking قصير

كتابة حسن الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 22 يوليو, 2020 3:28
انشاء عن smoking قصير

انشاء عن smoking قصير نوضح من خلاله معلومات هامة عن التدخين واثاره على الشخص والمجتمع.

Smoking and young people

Smoking is a big phenomenon that is spreading around the world. It destroys the lives of many people, especially young people. There are several causes that cause young people to smoke: lack of parental control, family problems, imitation of others, bad attendance. While smoking, young people destroy their health and can have serious diseases such as lung cancer because each cigarette is a poison poison for the body. So we have to appeal to young smokers to stop them from falling victim to deadly cancer.

Smoking,, the slow killer

We all wonder of those people who refuse to live happy and healthy life, they choose to live miserable life intentionally! They want to commit slow suicide, you may ask your self whom are they, they are the smokers.
As we know that our age is full of experiments and discoveries, these experiments may become one day a bad or fatal habits that lead people to death. Smoking is considered one of those habits.
Unfortunately, that most smokers know that this unpleasant habit causes many diseases to them. Perhaps you would care to know that it has an adverse effect on lymph nodes, pituitary glands, nerves centers, heart, blood pressure and lungs, regardless of its fiscal disadvan***es.

How to quit smoking

These are practical steps, but we need deeds not words:
* Delay the usual time of smoking, e.g. if you are smoking every day at morning, try to delay it to the afternoon, then try again to delay it to the night. The desire of smoking will reduce gradually.
* Try to avoid the places or attitudes that remind you with smoking. Most likely, you will be longing for smoking but you have to hold your horses.
* learn new hobbies and sports to fill your time as a trial to distraction from smoking.
In fact, they are more and more ways to quit smoking, but we want to notice that you have to put in your consideration the appropriate time and place, not to mention the praying and ask Allah to help you. If you do it, you will be obedient to Allah and held in respect from all people.
Finally, we hope that all smokers quit smoking and choose to live the happy and healthy life both now and in the hereafter. May the grace and peace of Allah be with you

برزنتيشن عن التدخين قصير وسهل بالانجليزي

smoking can cause many bad diseases such as cancer and heart disease. also smoking can harm body cells and increase the risk of stroke. smoking can damage the human body with many other diseases as well. doctors always recommend smokers to stop smoking as soon as possible. x
التدخين يؤدي الى امراض كثيرة مثل السرطان وامراض القلب. ايضاً التدخين يضر خلايا الجسم ويزيد من الاصابة بالجلطة. التدخين يضر جسم الانسان في امراض عديدة كذالك. الاطباء دائما يوصون المدخنين بالتوقف عن التدخين في اقرب فرصة ممكنة.

تعبير عن التدخين بالانجليزي قصير مترجم \ برزنتيشن عن التدخين

smoking is a very bad habit. many people smoke everyday and they are not aware of how bad smoking is. people may die younger because of smoking. they also waste their money on buying cigarette. researcher suggest that smoking can cause many serious diseases. x
التدخين هو عادة سيئة جداً. الكثير من الاشخاص يدخنون كل يوم ولا يستوعبون اضرار التدخين. الاشخاص قد يتوفون وهم صغار بسبب التدخين. هم ايضاً يضيعون اموالهم في شراء السجائر. الباحثون يشيرون ان التدخين ربما يؤدي الى امراض وخيمة (اضرار جدية)

انشاء عن التدخين smoking بالعربي والانجليزي

يشكل التدخين ضررا على الصحة و البيئة حيث يسبب الكثير من الأمراض لدى المدخنين والأشخاص المحاطين بهم كما يسبب تلوث البيئة. تشير دراسات أجرتها منظمة الصحة العالمية أن التدخين يساهم في موت ما يقرب من 6 مليون شخص سنويا, أكثر من 83% يرجع الى التدخين المباشر و أكثر من 16% يرجع الى التدخين السلبي.
تشير الدراسات أن عددا قليلا فقط هم من يعرفون مخاطر التبغ على الصحة. أوضحت دراسة تم اجرائها عام 2009 في الصين الى أن 38% فقط من المدخنين هم من يعرفون أن التدخين يسبب أمراض القلب التاجية و 27% فقط من يعرفون أنه سبب سكتة دماغية, من ناحية اخرى, يحظى 15% فقط من سكان العالم بخدمات قومية و صحية للاقلاع عن التدخين.
Smoking is harmful to health and the environment; it causes many diseases for smokers and those around them, and causes pollution of the environment. WHO studies indicate that smoking causes about 6 million deaths per year, more than 83% of which are caused by direct smoking, while more than 16% of deaths are caused by secondhand smoke.
Studies show that few people are aware of the health risks of tobacco use. A 2009 study in China found that only 38% of smokers realize that smoking causes coronary heart disease, and only (27%) know it causes stroke,On the other hand, only 15% of the world’s population has comprehensive national cessation services to give up smoking.

مخاطر التدخين

1- يسب رائحة كريهة للفم, تلون الأسنان, اصفرار الأظافر و تجعد الجلد.
2- تزداد نسبة ضربات القلب لتصل الى 10-25 نبضة في الدققة مما يزيد من خطورة الاصابة بالسكتات القلبية المميتة و السكتات الدماغية بنسبة 15%.
3- يسبب الكثير من أمراض الجهاز الهضمي مثل: القرحة الهضمية, حصى المرارة, حرقة المعدة و مرض كرون وأخيرا سرطان المعدة.
4- يعيق توزيع الدم الغني بالأكسجين الى كل أجزاء الجسم و يزيد من خطورة الاصابة بمرض الأوعية الدموية.
5- يزيد التدخين خلال فترة الحمل من خطورة الاجهاض, الولادة المبكرة, صغر حجم المولود و التشوهات الخلقية أيضا.
6- يزيد من خطورة الاصابة بهشاشة العظام لدى النساء.
7- يسبب التعرض لمخلفات التدخين السلبي ضررا في الحمض النووي , الدهون و البروتينات في الجسم مما يسبب ارتفاع نسبة الجلكوز في الدم و مقاومة الانسولين والذي بدوره يزيد من خطورة الاصابة بمرض السكري من الدرجة الثانية.

smoking risks

1- Causes bad breath, discoloration of teeth, yellowing of nails, and wrinkling of the skin.
2- The heart rate increases by 10-25 beats per minute, increasing the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes by 15%.
3- It causes many diseases for the digestive system, such as: peptic ulcers, gallstones, stomach burns, Crohn’s disease, and finally stomach cancer.
4- Disrupts the distribution of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body and increases the risk of peripheral vascular disease.
5- Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, small birth size, congenital malformations.
6- Increases the risk of osteoporosis in women
7- Exposure to smoke residues causes damage to DNA, fats, and proteins in the body, causing high blood glucose and insulin resistance, which in turn increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.